Invited Speaker
I have delivered more than 80 keynote or invited speaker presentations to state, national and international meetings since 2006.
8 selected premier talks from the last 3 years
Teams, culture and the ‘cool kids’ - Is our vision for improving quality in healthcare really 20/20?
Goal directed medical education: Creativity meets Discipline.
Keynote Speaker. European Society for Emergency Medicine Annual Congress, Torino, Italy. October 2015.
Translational Simulation – culture, competence or community.
Keynote speaker, International Meeting for Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH) January 2020, San Diego.
The Power of Words.
Keynote Speaker. Essentials of Emergency Medicine. Las Vegas USA. October 2015. Video - EEM 2015 Top 6 #1 Victoria Brazil - The Power of Words.
Translational Simulation: Connecting healthcare simulation with healthservice outcomes.
Keynote speaker, Society in Europe for Simulation Applied to Medicine (SESAM) annual conference, Bilbao, Spain. June 2018.
Timing, tribes and STEMIs.
Invited opening plenary presentation, Social Media and Critical Care Conference (smacc) March 2014, Gold Coast Video Downloaded more than 8000 times.
Goal directed simulation: connecting clinical education with health service outcomes.
Keynote speaker, Ottawa/ ANZAHPE conference, March 2016, Perth.
Connecting medical education and patient care.
Invited Keynote speaker Association of Medical Educators in Europe (AMEE) conference. Prague, Czech Republic, August 2013.